David Atkins

‘David Atkins has established himself as an evocative painter of landscapes and, particularly, of the urban scene. His is a broad brush, the sweep and colour of it bold and clear, and he brings to the city the eye for transitory light and temperature and atmosphere that is more usually applied to rural landscape. With him we explore cities, not always in the bright clear Kodak light of the Canaletto imitator, but at dawn and sunset and often in the damp truth of autumn and the tenebrous contrasts of the street at night; his is the sometimes sceptical eye of the honest observer, seeing London and Dublin, New York and Barcelona, as we have all experienced them’.

Brian Sewell (1931-2015), Art Critic

David Atkins was born in 1964 and studied painting at St Martins School of Art, London and Winchester School of Art gaining a 1st Class Honours Degree in painting. After some time living and teaching in London he moved to Dorset where he lives with his family.

He is drawn to broad open landscapes with a vast sweep of sky, and the distant horizon. Light reflected off rivers and inlets, shimmering beaches or distant hills and valleys are favourite subjects. Like many artists he is inspired by sunrise and sunset when sky and landscape are at their most dramatic. He is equally at home in the City; interpreting urban scenes with his, bold sweeping brushstrokes recording light and shadow, temperature and atmosphere creating a sense of place we are all familiar with.

‘My paintings are still concerned with capturing light, wind, rain and colour and I always try to capture in them an essence of what is experienced and discovered. They are produced with vigour and intuitiveness, allowing the process of working and reworking to consolidate a truthful response to the subject,’ he explains.

David has exhibited regularly throughout the UK including the Albemarle Gallery and Thackery Gallery in London. He has won numerous prizes among them the Horan prize for Painting at the NEAC Exhibition in London and the Façade International Prize for Painting at the Discerning Eye Exhibition in London. He was recently awarded the Baltic Exchange Prize 2018 for painting in the RMSA Exhibition at the Mall Galleries London. He now lives and works in Dorset.UK