‘Adjusting to life in lockdown life had its up and downs for all the family. However, over time it has become clear that a number of positives have stemmed from being forced to live life at a slower, simpler pace. Being relieved of day to day time pressures and allowing my mind to unwind has positively impacted on many aspects of my life, including my creative process. As a landscape painter, my works aim to reflect a sense of place and the more elemental side of Cornwall. Living by the coast has been a peaceful constant during this time of crisis. The sense of escape and freedom it offered has strengthened my relationship with my surroundings. More than ever I am appreciating the positive and restorative powers of nature’.
Marianne lives in St Just, on the Penwith peninsular of Cornwall. The inspiration for her current work is firmly embedded in the Cornish Coast. She regularly walks along the coast with her dog, immersing herself in the wild and unpredictable landscape. Beach-combing is a favourite hobby that she shares with her son and a number of their finds have been starting points for her paintings.
Back in the studio, using sketches, photographs and found objects as reference tools, Marianne builds her compositions through gestural mark making. Her creative process is expressive, energetic and dynamic, mimicking the landscape and the elements. The resulting paintings do not offer a visual reality but instead they aim to portray her experience of the landscape and capture the essence of place in a moment in time.
“I use a mixture of both intuitive and considered techniques to reflect my personal response to an environment. I hope that my work in turn brings that experience to the viewer and resonates with them”
Marianne works primarily with acrylics, ink and charcoal. Works range from small paper pieces to large scale paintings on canvas or wood. Her reputation has been steadily growing and she is a talent to watch. She has exhibited widely in Cornwall and very successfully with us last year.
Back in the studio, using sketches, photographs and found objects as reference tools, Marianne builds her compositions through gestural mark making. Her creative process is expressive, energetic and dynamic, mimicking the landscape and the elements. The resulting paintings do not offer a visual reality but instead they aim to portray her experience of the landscape and capture the essence of place in a moment in time.
“I use a mixture of both intuitive and considered techniques to reflect my personal response to an environment. I hope that my work in turn brings that experience to the viewer and resonates with them”
Marianne works primarily with acrylics, ink and charcoal. Works range from small paper pieces to large scale paintings on canvas or wood. Her reputation has been steadily growing and she is a talent to watch. She has exhibited widely in Cornwall and very successfully with us last year.