Miranda was born in Herefordshire but now lives and works on a hill farm in Radnorshire, surrounded by the natural world that inspires her. She works mostly to commission but has been a regular exhibitor at the gallery for over a decade. Her work has been shown in several other sculpture gardens to great acclaim. Several large pieces have recently been exported to the USA and Canada and she has just completed a large commission for the Limewood/Home Grown Hotels Group.
She began working in ceramics but quickly found the medium didn’t offer the strength and resilience needed to portray the freedom of movement so typical of her work. She is entirely self-taught and has developed a style and technique of her own doing all the welding and construction herself: using both mild steel, stainless steel and Corten weathering steel. She has an extraordinary ability to capture the movement and character of the animals she portrays whether a bird in flight, stag at bay or nesting partridge and her work reflects her deep love of the countryside and its ways, observed with a wry humour.